Examining the intra-location differences among Twitter samples [pdf]

Rositsa V Ivanova, Ema Kusen, Stefan Sobernig
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2023)
rivanova@wu.ac.at, stefan.sobernig@wu.ac.at, ema.kusen@univie.ac.at
Comparison of number of vertices, number of edges, number of connected components and degree distribution of retweet networks per geo-location pair for CO8 (i.e. perfect network match).
Location |V | |E| Connected Components Degree Distribution
Frankfurt 1 66.405 56.475 9.930
Frankfurt 2 66.405 56.475 9.930
Mumbai 1 65.429 55.650 9.779
Mumbai 2 65.429 55.650 9.779
Sydney 1 65.431 55.651 9.780
Sydney 2 65.431 55.651 9.780
Seoul 1 66.400 56.466 9.934
Seoul 2 66.400 56.466 9.934
Virginia 1 66.406 56.476 9.930
Virginia 2 66.406 56.476 9.930
Comparison of number of vertices, number of edges, number of connected components and degree distribution of retweet networks per geo-location pair for C14* (i.e. interrupted collection with many differences).
Location |V | |E| Connected Components Degree Distribution
Frankfurt 1* 1.151.689 1.048.508 103.181
Frankfurt 2 1.239.081 1.128.180 110.901
Mumbai 1* 531.705 481.243 50.462
Mumbai 2* 404.316 364.838 39.478
Sydney 1 1.215.285 1.106.309 108.976
Sydney 2 1.215.290 1.106.322 108.968
Seoul 1 1.215.341 1.106.359 108.982
Seoul 2 1.215.336 1.106.350 108.986
Virginia 1 1.291.652 1.177.045 114.607
Virginia 2 1.298.073 1.183.015 115.058
Comparison of number of vertices, number of edges, number of connected components and degree distribution of mention networks per geo-location pair for CO6 (i.e. complete collection with differences).
Location |V | |E| Connected Components Degree Distribution
Frankfurt 1 16.173 9.675 6.498
Frankfurt 2 16.167 9.671 6.496
Mumbai 1 16.183 9.679 6.504
Mumbai 2 16.167 9.671 6.496
Sydney 1 16.180 9.677 6.503
Sydney 2 16.180 9.678 6.502
Seoul 1 16.177 9.677 6.500
Seoul 2 16.175 9.675 6.500
Virginia 1 16.172 9.674 6.498
Virginia 2 16.173 9.674 6.499
Further evaluations available upon request.